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California HETAC Training Series Course 3: McKinney-Vento 101 for Role Groups



Full course description

California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers Training Series Course 3: McKinney-Vento 101 for Role Groups

The third of three courses includes a three-module training that will provide basic information about child and youth homelessness, the legal rights of students experiencing homelessness, and how administrators, staff, and faculty can identify and support students facing the challenges of unstable or inadequate housing. The modules include:

  • What is child and youth homelessness?

  • What are some of the basic legal rights under the McKinney-Vento Act and state law?

  • How can you help identify and support students experiencing homelessness? 

Participants will learn to understand: 

  • Background and demographic information about child and youth homelessness in California

  • How child and youth homelessness is defined

  • The basic legal rights under the McKinney-Vento Act

  • How you can help identify and support students experiencing homelessness

Role group courses Include: 

  • Administrators

  • Attendance Personnel

  • Counselors

  • Early Childhood

  • Fed Programs

  • Health

  • Nutrition

  • School Board

  • Secretaries and Registrars

  • Site Level Liaisons

  • Special Education Staff

  • Teachers

  • Transportation


Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA)

Registration Link: Click Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here


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