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California HETAC Training Series Course 1: Best Practices for County Office of Education McKinney-Vento Programs



Full course description

California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers Training Series Course 1: Best Practices for County Office of Education McKinney-Vento Programs

The first of three courses includes a three module training that will provide professional development for County Office of Education McKinney-Vento homeless liaisons on their roles and best practices. There is a final quiz at the conclusion of all three modules. The modules include: 

  • The Role of the County Office of Education McKinney-Vento Program
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of the County of Office of Education McKinney-Vento Program
  • Navigating McKinney-Vento Disputes

Participants will learn: 

  • The key roles of the County Office of Education McKinney-Vento program
  • How to access and use various tools and strategies to implement the County’s roll
  • Key metrics and methods for evaluating the County Office of Education McKinney-Vento program
  • The McKinney-Vento Act’s dispute provisions and the County’s role in navigating disputes


Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA)

Registration Link: Click Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here


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