
MY Healthy Futures: Cannabis Self-Paced Asynchronous Course for Students


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Full program description

MY Healthy Futures: Cannabis Self-Paced Asynchronous Course for Students

The Los Angeles County Office of Education’s Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Unit Presents Stanford REACH Lab's MY Healthy Futures asynchronous self-paced course for students. The MY Healthy Futures - Cannabis Version is an Alternative-to-Suspension (ATS) curriculum geared for students who have been caught using cannabis products and/or for any student who is interested in trying to reduce or quit cannabis use.

MY Healthy Futures uses principles of motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy, and touches on all of the salient issues involved in students’ use of cannabis products.

MY Healthy Futures incorporates a restorative practice and trauma-informed lens.

MY Healthy Futures is a self-paced course to be completed by the student in 40-60 minutes. This curriculum uses Canva slides with a video game design and audio (video game sounds and music).

Implementation of MY Healthy Futures

Supplies needed

  • Students will need a chromebook or other device in order to complete the pre/before survey, post/after survey, and the course.
  • Print, cut, and fold the Healthy Futures Handbook for students to record their responses. Let students know that you will want to see their Healthy Futures Handbook after they’re done with the course (to see if they completed the work; the handbook is theirs to keep).
  • Have our “Quitting Tips” resource ready to share
  • Please make sure students understand that throughout the course, they will be prompted to complete the pre/before survey; post/after survey; and the Healthy Futures Handbook.
  • Students will need your unique teacher code to began and complete the course.
  • Students will need the course link:

Registering for your unique teacher code on the Data Dashboard

Prior to using our resources, please use this link and pre-register yourself (or whoever is overseeing the course) and get your unique teacher/educator ID number. You will provide this unique ID number to your students, prior to beginning the curriculum, so they can enter that code into their pre- and post-surveys. This code is unique to you. This will also allow you to verify that students have completed the course successfully by looking at the "Students Who Completed Healthy Futures" section on your Data Dashbaord Profile. Please see the brief video on how to create an account.

Printable Pre Survey Code                                   Printable Post Survey Code


Below please find some additional information that will help you further understand the principles and pedagogy for this curriculum.

Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

MY Healthy Futures use motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Here is an infographic illustrating both principles.

Trauma-Informed and Restorative Practices

MY Healthy Futures uses a trauma-informed and restorative practice lens when addressing students' use of cannabis products on school campus. The graph below explains this more.

Adapted from:

CASEL = Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning For more resources (ex: parent letters, cannabis cost calculators, and more) you may visit the Healthy Futures Cannabis Version website.

For more resources (ex: parent letters, cannabis cost calculators, and more) you may visit the Healthy Futures Cannabis Verison website