
Science Interim Assessments: Formative Use to Support Student Learning


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Full program description

Science Interim Assessments: Formative Use to Support Student Learning

In collaboration with LACOE's Assessment Unit.

Science interim assessments are brand new. How can you use them to support teaching and learning? How can you use them as a resource in your classroom to enrich and gain insight into student conceptual understanding?


Participants will:

·        Learn other uses of the Interim Assessments

·        Experience classroom demonstrations

·        Work with Interim Assessments to enrich your classroom experience

Throughout, participants will discuss and share concerns or obstacles in the delivery or support of teachers.


STEM - Science

Session Information:


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Registration Link: Click Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here

Registration Deadline: 01/17/2025