
Exploring Implicit Bias in the History-Social Science Classroom


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Full program description

Exploring Implicit Bias in the History-Social Science Classroom

K-12 History-Social Science teachers are invited to join this interactive training to focus on specific aspects of the California History-Social Science Framework instructional shifts to unpack how implicit bias appears in narratives found in resources, materials, and classroom protocols. Learn how the Inquiry-Driven Lesson Template can be used as a tool for disrupting single-story narratives and engaging students in civic learning.


The Center for History Social-Science Education Unit

Session Information:

10/07/2024 - 10/08/2024

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Breakfast and registration open at 7:30 am

Registration Link: Click Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here

Registration Deadline: 09/30/2024