
572 – California Common Core Standards and Depth of Knowledge: Mathematics

Time limit: 42 days

$200 Enroll

Full program description

572 – California Common Core Standards and Depth of Knowledge: Mathematics

This is a 6-week online course

Participants will examine and consider how Depth of Knowledge (DOK) can be understood and applied in K-12 mathematics classrooms to ensure that instruction occurs with the required rigor. Participants will understand Norman Webb’s four DOK levels, how they grow in cognitive complexity, and how these levels differ from and add to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Participants will learn about the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium and how it is developing an assessment system based on the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the DOK levels of complexity.

Participants will learn new strategies through video examples, in-depth readings, and activities to help them apply their learning to their own classroom and begin to integrate the DOK levels and the CCSS standards into their practice.

Participants will understand Norman Webb’s four DOK levels, how they grow in cognitive complexity, and how these levels differ from and add to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Participants will learn about the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium and how it is developing an assessment system based on the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the DOK levels of complexity.

Participants will learn new strategies through video examples, in-depth readings, and activities to help them apply their learning to their own classroom and begin to integrate the DOK levels and the CCSS standards into their practice.

Learn more about Salary Points and Units for our courses.


Center for Distance and Online Learning (CDOL)

Session Information:

01/17/2025 - 02/28/2025

Registration LinkClick Here to Register