
AVID Collaborative Structures Training


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Full program description


The Collaborative Structures training provides strategies designed to support collaboration in which students effectively share information amongst peers by working in various group configurations to engage with subject matter.

The key to college and career readiness is the ability to work productively in a group toward a common goal. To support the development of this skill, teachers need to strategically plan and implement the regular use of collaborative structures and activities that teach students how to focus on a task, how to have authentic conversations with active listening and turn-taking, how to reach consensus, and how to be accountable to each other.


Session Information:

December 5, 2024; 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Location: LACOE Education Center West

Room: Conference Center B

Registration: Click Here 

Registration Deadline: November 27, 2024


March 26, 2025; 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Location: Education Center West

Conference Center B

Registration: Click Here 

Registration Deadline: March 18, 2025


College and Career Readiness/AVID