Pin the 'Tale' on the Genre: Thinking Flexibly about Writing and Performance Tasks
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Full program description
Pin the 'Tale' on the Genre: Thinking Flexibly about Writing and Performance Tasks
The Smarter Balanced English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) performance tasks and Interim Assessment Performance Tasks offer educators invaluable insights into student learning in alignment with the Common Core Standards for ELA.
This session provides educators with detailed information on how to use summative and formative data from the Smarter Balanced ELA performance tasks from grades 3 through high school. The goal of this session is to help educators use the data to identify learning experiences that support students in mastering grade-level standards and to apply effective teaching and learning practices to improve student learning outcomes.
Session Information:
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Registration Link: Click Here
Registration Deadline: 03/07/2025