
California School Leadership Academy (21 CSLA)


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Full program description

California School Leadership Academy (21 CSLA)

Leading for Multilingual Learner equity requires courageous leadership and data-driven, job-embedded professional learning for continuous improvement. This two-day institute empowers instructional leaders with a framework, a research-based protocol, and practice tools to build the collective efficacy of every teacher, shift mindsets and practices, and ensure multilingual learners belong and thrive in every classroom, every day.

Participants will:

  • Discover and apply six essential mindsets and actions for Multilingual Learner excellence and equity in teaching and leading.
  • Explore how mindsets impact traditional Professional Learning Community models for Multilingual Learners and learn strategies to reframe deficit defaults throughout the inquiry cycle.
  • Learn to facilitate an effective teacher inquiry protocol that fosters collaborative responses to formative data, promoting rigor, engagement, and equity.
  • Analyze videos and engage in role-plays to experience effective facilitation techniques.
  • Collaborate to develop actionable steps for facilitating collaborative, data-driven professional learning for Multilingual Learner excellence and equity in your context.


California School Leadership Academy (21 CSLA) Unit

Session Information:

04/23/2025 - 04/24/2025

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registration Link: Click Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here

Registration Deadline: 04/23/2025