Building Educational Partner Engagement-Focus on McKinney Vento-Homelessness Students and Families: A Community of Practice for Site and District Leaders
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Full program description
Building Educational Partner Engagement-Focus on McKinney Vento-Homelessness Students and Families: A Community of Practice for Site and District Leaders
Join 21CSLA and district leaders from six California countries in this eight-part series led by the Ventura County Office of Education Student and Educational Services Branch. California Department of Education, the McKinney-Vento Act, defines homeless children and youth in California as those who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes children and youth who are sharing housing with others due to economic hardship, loss of housing, or other reasons. Other examples of homelessness include living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds, shelters, vehicles, or other places not meant for habitation.
School leaders play a pivotal role in addressing the statutory requirements of our homeless youth/families as district and site leads.
Some of the main topics covered include:
- Deepening our understanding of McKinney-Vento eligibility & statutory requirements
- Exploring strategies for identifying and addressing engagement in schools and building partnerships
- Accessing tools and resources for promoting equity and inclusivity
California School Leadership Academy (21 CSLA) Unit
Session Information:
(8 Day Event) 10/11/2024 - 05/09/2025
Event Dates: 10/11/2024 | 11/08/2024 | 12/20/2024 | 01/31/2025 | 02/07/2025 | 03/07/2025 | 04/04/2025 | 05/09/2025
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Registration Link: Click Here
Informational Flyer: Click Here
Registration Deadline: 05/09/25