Joellen Killion Assessing Impact

Assessing Impact: Evaluating What Is Working in Our School and District Systems



Full program description

Assessing Impact: Evaluating What Is Working in Our School and District Systems

Join 21CSLA as we explore how to design high-impact systems using Joellen Killion’s book, Assessing Impact: Evaluating Professional Learning, as our guide. “With increasing accountability pressure for evidence-based strategies and ever-tightening budgets, you want to make sure that the time, effort, and resources you are investing in your professional learning programs is truly making an impact on educator effectiveness and student achievement.” - Joellen Killion.

Series attendees will receive a free copy of Assessing Impact.


California School Leadership Academy (21 CSLA) Unit

Session Information:

11/19/2024 | 02/24/2025

1/19 8:00 AM -3:00 PM

2/24 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Registration LinkClick Here

Informational Flyer: Click Here

Registration Deadline: 2/24/2025